Last weekend the Memphis Photography Facebook group got together for a photo walk at the Memphis Botanic Gardens, buy they weren’t open due to an Easter egg hunt, so we hopped over to Dixon Gallery and walked through their Garden.The last time I was at Dixon was around 1993. Their garden is beautiful. The weather was perfect, the tulips were blooming, it was really tranquil.2016-03-26_06-50-19Prior to the event, I ordered ten rolls of Kodak Ektar 100 from BH Photo, with the intent on shooting only the Holga 120. True to my word I shot with just that camera primarily — 3 rolls, in fact.img_20160325_184914 cheap, plastic, great for LomographyThe Holga does fantastic double exposures. I’m still learning, but even my weak attempts turned out cool to me. And boy, Ektar 100 is fantastic with colors.2016-03-26_08-27-18I’ve bragged about the camera before, but it really does deserve a special place on my site. Keep an eye out. I’m getting ready to build a Holga Frankenstein soon! 2016-03-26_10-09-47