
Bearness is my son’s teddy bear, one of many he’s collected over his vast 8 years of life. When you’ve run out of things to photograph, a prop helps get the blood flowing to the creative center of the brain. There are a number of Instagram account where folks do this; one of my favorites is @living_with_minifigures . He uses Lego figures and does a fantastic job!

For my part, I use Bearness. He’s easy to manipulate, not heavy to carry around, and makes for some great black and white photos.

Meet Bearness

Bearness likes the horse!

Bearness never trespasses!

Bearness doesn’t know how to swim!

Bearness hides in plain sight.

Bearness rests on a bridge.

If you get stuck in a rut, I encourage you to find a prop and take it out with you on a photo walk at lunch. Use your phone camera and find some interesting places to put your prop. This will encourage exploration and discovery, and might even inspire you for future projects.

For more Bearness photos, see my Flickr album.